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The National Seminar on EMPOWERING COMMUNITIES THROUGH LIBRARIES FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL CHANGE was sponsored by Govt. of India, Ministry of Education & Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) organized in Organised by Amala Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Thrissur, Kerala In Collaboration with Academic Library Association (ALA) & Kerala Medical Librarians Association (KMLA)

The seminar was inaugurated by K.S. Anil, Vice-Chancellor of the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU) on 28 February 2025. About 200 library professionals attended the seminar. Fr. Julious Arakkal CMI, Director, AIMS, Thrissur chaired the session. Dr. Kannan CS Warrier, Director, KFRI and Fr. John Neelankavil, Librarian, DVK Bengaluru delivered keynote address. Dr. Betsy Thomas, Dr. AT Francis and Dr. PP Binita adressed the gathering. Seminar Volume was released by Shri. KP Sadasivan, Former Principal Scientist CSIR and Dr. Wilson K Cherukulath, DRDO Group Director by handing over the volume to Fr. Antony Perinchery.

ALA Lifetime Achievement Award 2025 was presented to Dr. K R Ajithan, Former Chief Librarian, Victoria College. Dr. Nitin Joshy, Lirarian, MIT University, Pune and Dr. V Vimal Kumar, Librarian, MG University received the National Best Librarian Award 2025.

Seminar Photogallery